Lawn, sharp sand, garden forks et al
In article ,
"pied piper" writes:
| | Of course u can mix clay with sand but if u have a high clay content
| just
| | throwing sharp builders sand on it will have no benefit.If u bothered
| to
| | read the whole thread u might have learnt something as it was suggested
| to
| | dress using a 70 30 sand loam mixture.Its a fact that applying a
| dressing of
| | sharp sand will cause a root break as it will not blend in .This is not
| my
| | idea but a fact.
| You can, of course, provide evidence for that statement?
| yes having worked for over 30 years in the sports pitch construction
| industry and having a diploma in groundsmanship I can .
Then please do.
Nick Maclaren.