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Old 22-02-2003, 06:03 AM
Carolyn Jean Fairman
Posts: n/a
Default slug and snail control

mmarteen wrote:
What about copper tape around the affected area? I am going to try that this
year in a raised bed.


I swear by this. I had two raised beds last time, 4' x 6' and I ran
the copper tape around the top edge. I would recommend sanding the
wood a little so the tape adheres well and that you wear gloves. The
thin copper edge will slice you easily and deeply.

I had NO slugs or snails disturb my bush beans, sugar snap peas or
eggplants (ok, maybe they didn't want the eggplants). It was amazing.
Certainly the garden has thousands of the things, so I concluded that
the tape worked. I'm putting in 3 more raised beds for veggies this
year and all will get the tape. I think it should last several

I also use Sluggo in the beds, around plants I know the slugs love to
eat down to the ground. It works pretty well.


Carolyn Fairman