Thread: well question
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Old 01-03-2008, 12:18 AM posted to
Srgnt Billko Srgnt Billko is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 530
Default well question

"Chas Hurst" wrote in message

"Tom J" wrote in message
Bob F wrote:
"rb" wrote in message
Yes. The idea is to get water with no power, at least cost.

Unless the water table is within 22 or so feet vertically of the hand
pump, the hand pump won't work.

Depends on the pump - 1 of those little $15 short handle pumps, you are
correct - the larger long handle, long stroke with tight pipe and good
check valve, you are wrong. We use to hand pump from 60 feet down to a
tank on a platform 20 feet up before we got electric power. We did
finally hook a single cylinder gas engine to a jack stand to operate the
pump before getting electric to the farm. It would fill a 1000 gallon
tank using 1/2 gallon of gasoline!! Yes, I'm talking about a loooong time

Tom J

Type of pump doesn't matter unless it's a jet-pump. The theoretical
maximum height is about 27', practical height is about 22'.

He's having what one might call a "pipe dream".