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Old 26-02-2008, 05:14 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Broadback Broadback is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 424
Default Tree sap question

PK wrote:
"Nick Maclaren" wrote in message

In article ,
Broadback writes:
| Just curious. As I understand it the evaporation of moisture is what
| draws the sap from the toots up the tree. Does this mean that the sap
| does not rise until the leaves unfurl? If so where do the leaves
| the energy to be "kick started"?

'Tain't so. Sounds plausible, until you think about it. If that
were so, how would the sap reach the top of a 50' tree? Even a
vacuum will raise water only 30'.

That explanation was proposed and debunked by early in the 19th
century - but, like all myths, cannot be killed by mere disproof.

Nick Maclaren.

Interesting post on this at another forum:


Very interesting PK, does not answer my question though. OK Nick if that
theory is wrong what is the actual answer as to how sap gets up the tree?