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Old 16-02-2008, 03:06 PM posted to rec.gardens
Bill R Bill R is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 231
Default computer question

Phoon Hencman wrote:
On 2008-02-14 17:48:03 -0500, "symplastless"

I am just starting with Windows Vista. When shutting down I go to the
menu and down in the far left corner is a little itty bitty button
that if I
tag it with the pointer a menu comes up which allow me to shut down the
computer. Is there not a larger button or another way to shut down the
computer. I am trying to teach a client how to use her new computer.
Thanks in advance.

Ditch Vista and go back to XP. Vista sucks camel butt. Seriously. Ask

I somewhat agree. Vista is a real resource hog and still has quite a
few bugs. There are a lot of programs that still don't work correctly
with Vista and won't until the vendors come out with updates for their
programs. Their is a service pack that is coming out for Vista within
the next few months and that will correct at least some of the problems
that Vista users are reporting.

I recommend that anyone that still has XP not "upgrade" their OS to
Vista. Microsoft has announce that they will continue to support XP
until at least 2014 and Service Pack 3 will be out for it latter this year.
Bill R. (Ohio Valley, U.S.A)

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