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Old 15-02-2008, 04:57 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
johngood_____[_3_] johngood_____[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 16
Default bamboo not behaving logically

dont know what type of bamboo it is, but it has small thin leaves is quite
common around the london area, and it has the characteristic of folding its
leaves up very small and very quickly the moment the soil gets at all dry.

my specimens have just flowered and i've just been told that it will now
die. where is the logic in that? does that mean every speciment of this
type will die? i had about five plants in pots in front garden and back
garden and they have all died at the same time.
Funnily enough about two of them still have some very tiny leaves about 20
leaves all told that are still green.

should i hang on to see if they revive or just dispose of them now, which i
would prefer to do if there is no chance of revival for them, since i could
do with the extra room that they now occupy.

thanks for any advice.