I thank you for you knowledge sharing. Just like with trees. what I mean
is that some things which seemed simple once revealed, were probably the
last choice I would have made if not pointed out. E.g., The fact that turf
grass was harmful for the tree. So I figured I would remove the grass.
Then I find out that the grass roots grow deeper than the non-woody roots of
trees. So with the turf went the non-woody's. Watch somebody that does not
understand tree targets and they often prune right in the middle of two
nodes. I do thank you for pointing that out to me, I.e., the tool bar
thing. If I can ever help you please let me know.
John A. Keslick, Jr.
Consulting Forester & Tree Expert
Beware of so-called tree experts who do not understand tree biology.
Storms, fires, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions keep reminding us
that we are not the boss.
"JoeSpareBedroom" wrote in message
"symplastless" wrote in message
I am just starting with Windows Vista. When shutting down I go to the
start menu and down in the far left corner is a little itty bitty button
that if I tag it with the pointer a menu comes up which allow me to shut
down the computer. Is there not a larger button or another way to shut
down the computer. I am trying to teach a client how to use her new
computer. Thanks in advance.
John A. Keslick, Jr.
Is it just me, or is there something deeply flawed with the blind leading
the blind?
Right click an empty spot on the tool bar. You should see a clue there.