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Old 13-02-2008, 01:34 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default Des res - for a rat?

"Graham Harrison" wrote ...
I've just cleared a Honeysuckle bush. Cut it all down to ground level,
just need to remove the routes. It must have been around a while - about
2 metres high and 2 square.

I've found that rather than the ground underneath being flat there is a
noticeable mound into which there are some holes and since I've seen rats
coming from this direction in the past I'm assuming I have a next in the

The holes don't actually look that used but then I also need to clear a
shed (or the remains of a shed - it's held up by ivy at the moment!) and
the active holes may be in there. So, lets assume there is an active
nest and I start digging it up. I could take a swipe at any rat that
shows its face and I might even get one, or two but I have to assume some
will escape.

We're in a rural environment; a cluster of about 8 houses surrounded by
fields which are largely grass. Some of the hedgerows have rabbit holes
in them. Despite that the garden is of a more urban type but bigger (not
acres however).

Where is Mr Rat likely to look for his new home? The compost heap is one
option but I'll turn that in an attempt to put him off. Any other
suggestions? Any suggestions about what to do before I disturb the

We have just purchased some super rat/mouse poison, professional stuff that
is made with peanut butter as an attractant, one meal and they die.
Expensive, had to buy 5Kg, but worth it as we may now get some peas and
sweetcorn this year.
I'm sure the other allotment holders will take some off our hands at £1 for
The two different lots of stuff from the GC didn't have any effect at all
and that wasn't cheap.

Bob Hobden