planting dahlia bulbs
On 13 Feb, 08:08, "Jeremy Watts" wrote:
i bought this single dahlia bulb recently and am wondering which way it is
planted...?? *the thing looks like 7 or 8 tubours the one ends of which are
attached to a woody stem, the other ends are free and have loose sort of
strands coming from them.
so which way up does it go?? *so that the free ends are facing down into the
soil or up??
jeremy watts
Strm up and tubers down remember slug pellets as they will have the
shoots as soon as they break surface.
The best idea is to plant the tuber into a 6 inch pot late March or
early April then plant out the growing plant end of May/early June
depending where you live.
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries.