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Old 11-02-2008, 08:05 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David in Normandy[_7_] David in Normandy[_7_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 185
Default My Garden in the Auvergne

Emery Davis says...
Today I dug up the last of the parsnips. There were quite a
few left so it looks like we'll be having parsnip chips too
for a week or two. Yum!

We dug up the rest of ours today, too. Can't beat parsnips, you just leave 'em
in ground til you need 'em... Awfully good, too. Do you par boil before frying for
the chips? I've never tried that one.

For some reason this was a bad year for parsnips, we usually don't have much
trouble but only ended with a couple of dozen this time.

We just cut them up into chip size and deep fry them from
raw, the same as potato chips (or should that be French
fries :-) They are sweeter than potato chips so don't
necessarily work as a straight substitute depending on the
meal. They make a nice side portion. Just take care not to
over fry them or they can go a bit woody.

The best use for parsnips though has got to be including
them in a roast, wrapped with some meat in foil and cooked
until they caramelise. Not very often we eat them just
David in Normandy.
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