On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 18:41:38 +0100
David in Normandy wrote:
Emery Davis says...
As chance would have it we were short of taters for dinner last night, and were
out with a flashlight looking for parsnips to supplement. Didn't find, but in the
light of day today there were 6 fat ones left.
Today I dug up the last of the parsnips. There were quite a
few left so it looks like we'll be having parsnip chips too
for a week or two. Yum!
We dug up the rest of ours today, too. Can't beat parsnips, you just leave 'em
in ground til you need 'em... Awfully good, too. Do you par boil before frying for
the chips? I've never tried that one.
For some reason this was a bad year for parsnips, we usually don't have much
trouble but only ended with a couple of dozen this time.
Emery Davis
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