Thread: Allotments
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Old 11-02-2008, 01:41 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David in Normandy[_7_] David in Normandy[_7_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 185
Default Allotments

Amethyst Deceiver says...
In article ,
Charlie Pridham writes
In article ,

Thank Gawd for the metric system.

Metric has the brilliant property that lengths and volume measures 'fit'
with each other - eg 1ml of water is 1cc so 1 litre is 10cm x 10x m
x10cm, which is also 1kg, so 1 tonne = 1m cubed.

But it doesn't have useful sized measures - the inch is still good for
smallish things, and the foot is ideal for all sorts of things - much
easier to understand the difference between a 10ft square room and a
12ft square room than a 3.something m square room and a 3.something else
m square room.

It's only easier for you because it's what you're used to, though.

When the metric system was introduced into the UK I thought
at the time how useful the decimetre would be. However, it
seldom gets a mention - many people probably wouldn't know
that it was 10cm. Everything metric seems to be in units of
mm, cm, m or km but never dm.
David in Normandy.

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