Thread: compost heaps
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Old 11-02-2008, 12:52 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren Nick Maclaren is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,752
Default compost heaps

In article ,
Fred writes:
| I've started clearing an overgrown allotment. It's mostly grass and
| bramble that I have removed. Its in a heap at the moment and I'm not
| sure what to do with it. What are the rules about what you can compost
| and what you cannot?

If it will rot, you can compost it. Old grey felt bowler hats, door
to door encylopaedia salesmen, whatever ....

| I presume the grass is ok; are the brambles or are they too tick? Are
| things with thick stems unsuitable for composting? What about roots?
| There's quite a bit of rhubarb too. What about that?

Woody material takes some time to break down; a couple of years
for 1/2"+ ripened tree/shrub branches; brambles and most roots aren't
much of a problem, but the thorns of the former will last for over a
year. Using a shredder will speed up the decomposition of woody

Nick Maclaren.