Daphne odora
"Jeff Layman" wrote in message
PK wrote:
"Jeff Layman" wrote in message
Anyone got the secret of growing this well? I've tried several
times to bring on small (30 cm) plants in pots, but never succeeded
in getting them past 3 years. Maybe it's the use of pots it does
not like. In a couple of gardens not too far away (about 400 m),
there are some quite large plants (1.5 m across by 1 m high) which
are obviously very happy, and quite old. And they are in garden soil
(clay here, unless improved in those gardens). I find the scent one
of the best of any plants. BTW, I have no problem with Daphne retusa.
Kept one alive in a pot
for about 16 years.
It likes shade or dappled sunlight. full sun and it will be very
unhappy, roots cools & moist but well drained ie standing water in a
pot saucer not advised
Maybe it's the cool root run which I need to consider. Next time I try it
I'll line the pot with bubble polythene.
They like morning sun but hate afternoon sun so you might be right. If you
can put the pot on the eastern side and/or surround it with other pots so
that the other pots shade the daphne's pot then that might work too.
I've never given mine dappled light or shade but have been fussy about
morning vs afternoon sun and never had a problem. I live in Australia where
the sun is much more of a problem than the UK and have had daphnes in every
house for over 30 years. I have only grown then in the ground but always
ont he east of the house or east of a bush or other form of afternoon shade.