Thread: Daphne odora
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Old 10-02-2008, 05:24 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Pam Moore Pam Moore is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 444
Default Daphne odora

On Sat, 9 Feb 2008 17:19:10 -0000, "Jeff Layman"

Anyone got the secret of growing this well? I've tried several times to
bring on small (30 cm) plants in pots, but never succeeded in getting them
past 3 years. Maybe it's the use of pots it does not like. In a couple of
gardens not too far away (about 400 m), there are some quite large plants
(1.5 m across by 1 m high) which are obviously very happy, and quite old.
And they are in garden soil (clay here, unless improved in those gardens).
I find the scent one of the best of any plants.

BTW, I have no problem with Daphne retusa. Kept one alive in a pot for
about 16 years.

Mine is just coming into flower and is about 1m x1m.
It is the "aureomarginata" variety.
The plant I have now has been in the ground for around 8 years and was
given to me as a newly rooted cutting by a friend, from her own bush.
I had tried twice to root a piece and had given up when I was given
this one. My other daphnes did not last beyond 10 to 12 years so
maybe I ought to start trying again!

Pam in Bristol