Thread: Spring already?
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Old 09-02-2008, 09:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Judith in France Judith in France is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 1,793
Default Spring already?

On Feb 9, 6:42*pm, K wrote:
robert writes

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Dave Hill writes
About a mile away from us is a roundabout over the M4 and on the
aproach road there is a Hawthorn that is always the first into leaf,
and is my indicator of springs timing,
Last year it came into leaf mid to late Feb.
Well I went passed it today for the first time since we came back
from our Holls and it is well into leaf and quite green, must have
started about 2 weeks ago.
That makes it about 3 weeks earlier than last year, and that was
earlier than normal.
I must check for frogs spawn.
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries

Glorious day here in Devon, cloudless blue sky, and now a spectacular
sunset, although we could see a bank of fog which did not appear to
lift from moor all day. *Sat on the terrace and enjoyed the birdsong
and a Guinness until some wretch ruined the idyl with a chain saw.

Hawthorn leaves are showing and lots of stuff in bud. *The clumps of
native primrose have been in flower for three weeks and a solitary
snowdrop from an Autumn planting has appeared. *Miniature daffodils
started flowering last week.

First pair of amorous frogs spotted in the pond on 19 January but no
spawn as yet - last year it first turned up on 13 February

Snowdrops out in abundance in Gargrave (Yorks Dales) last weekend, and
not in our garden (which tends to be late). Lawn is full of crocuses,
and we have one *daffodil out and a few in bud. Primroses now well out.
Also wood avens, which is a bit early!

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Kay, do you have any pics on the development of yor garden? I saw it
so many years ago, I'm sure it has changed now?
