Thread: Titan Shredder
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Old 09-02-2008, 06:26 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren Nick Maclaren is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,752
Default Titan Shredder

In article ,
hzatph writes:
| Our conutax shredder has collapsed for a second timme and we are
| waiting for a quote for a new shaft etc.
| Does anyone have any experience of shredder like this one form Titan
| (redirects to
| ). The you-tube video looks very impressive compared to the Countax
| machine. If the repair is expensive I would be tempted to pick up one
| of these instead.

It looks very like the one used by a friend that we visited. An El
Cheapo pseudo-professional monstrosity, which made a hell of a racket
and needed unjamming every few minutes.

You should ask yourself why it is only twice the price of a Bosch
2200, which is a vastly simpler construction (hence much cheaper to
make) and a much lower specification. Also, if that Web page is
displaying correctly, it claims to be able to chip 26 cubic metres
an hour - even at a very low aggregate density, that is several
TONS an hour and the best part of a metre/second feed rate at 75 mm
diameter and 50% packing density!

Lots of us on this group can witness that the Bosch is a good machine.
That device looks like sucker bait. Do you REALLY need to chip
branches of firewood size and/or cubic metres of material a day?

Nick Maclaren.