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Old 09-02-2008, 11:46 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David in Normandy[_6_] David in Normandy[_6_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 50
Default Where are my new bulbs?

shazzbat says...
I wouldn't worry about them, they'll know what to do. If they are a bit deep
they'll show up soon, and they'll migrate via new bulblets to the depth they
like. We moved some gladioli bulbs last year, and there's no sign of them
yet, but the ones we missed in the old location are showing at 3" tall.
Although this mornings hard frost may have come as a shock to them.

I'll just have to be patient then. The ground here has lots
of small stones in it and my bulb planter didn't work very
well - it is one of those that you push and twist and it
lifts out a big plug of earth - provided you don't hit any
rocks. So after a little experimenting I found the pick
worked much better. With a single stroke it buried itself
in the ground then I just tipped it up to lift and break
the earth then popped a bulb under each lifted grass sod.
While it made easy work of planting the bulbs they may have
been planted a bit too deep.
David in Normandy.

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