Zhang DaWei says...
On 8 Feb 2008 22:27:43 GMT, (Nick Maclaren) wrote:
In article ,
brian mitchell writes:
| But, as a mathematician...
| It may well be otherwise with mathematicians, but for most the soul
| makes its nest among the crevices of language rather than numbers.
It is, indeed, otherwise with mathematicians :-)
Along with the advantages of knowing about multi-base systems, I also
had the advantage (though it only became apparent as an advantage much
later) of doing (a) my A level in Applied Maths using the old Imperial
System, (b) My A level in Chemistry using the cgs system, and (c)
doing my Physics A level using the SI system of units.
It means I can easily swap and convert between them all now, as well
as appreciating some wonderfully delicious puns based on Imperial
measurements, of which one I posted a day or so ago was one I first
heard well over 35 years ago.
NASA could have done with your services before they got in
a muddle with units and stuffed that satellite into Mars at
high velocity :-)
I used to find Maths a chore as a student, but nowadays see
the beauty of it more. I see "mathematics" everywhere in
everything from nature to climate to flows of people along
a crowded street and traffic along a road. For example
there are so many visible mathematical parallels for
example between electrical theory and people and vehicle
movement etc, etc, etc. Life is dynamic mathematics. :-)
David in Normandy.
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