Thread: Plant breeders?
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Old 07-02-2008, 03:44 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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Default Plant breeders?

On 7/2/08 14:10, in article ,
"Michael Bell" wrote:

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Charlie Pridham wrote:

In article ,
I am thinking of breeding a tree for improvement. It is a
catkin-bearer. That creates both opportunities and problems.

Can anybody put me in touch with a breeder who could help me with
breeding methods, how to produce mutations, etc, etc.

I would be most grateful

Michael Bell

I think a bit of reading would be better, most breeders try and earn
money at it so would be interested in your paying them to do it but not
in telling you how to cut them out of the loop!

Ah, but I can be pretty sure nobody else is thinking of breeding
Alders. But yes, I do plan to read books. But I can't find any. I
don't know what key words would bring out books of interest on Google.
Can you suggest?

Michael Bell

Before you go to the trouble and expense, it might be an idea to talk to an
agent to see if there's likely to be any interest in what you're proposing.
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