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Old 06-02-2008, 08:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
shazzbat shazzbat is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 780
Default On the allotments

"Bob Hobden" wrote in message

"shazzbat" wrote...
Further to the earlier answers I gave to the right honourable members,
here is what's going on at the allotments right now. And today we found
that they have pumped the water out of their pit on the adjacent golf
course on to the top end of our allotment.

Thanks a bunch Wessex water.

Steve, make sure it's all put back as it was afterwards, no gravel left on
the plots and any compaction remedied but make sure they don't use the
digger and dig too deep bringing up the subsoil.
The Council should check all that but it didn't happen on our site.

Thanks for that Bob. At the mo, the actual digging is going on next to
rather than on, our plot, it's more a matter of the water at the top end
(the gooseberries are ankle deep) and the tracks being so bad I can't get to
my plot. The allotments are privately owned by the local lord or earl or
whatever, and administered by an estate agent in Salisbury. We were there
today, and only just missed a visit from them. Later, some (different)
subcontractors are going to dig two connection pits on our plot to connect
the pipe that's being put in now to the houses the other side of the fence.
But we don't know when this will happen, or how long it will take, or how
much upheaval will be involved.
