Plastic Bottle greenhouse !
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06-02-2008, 03:13 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stuart Noble
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 84
Plastic Bottle greenhouse !
Charlie Pridham wrote:
In article ,
On 5/2/08 18:49, in article
"David in Normandy" wrote:
Sacha says...
The water here is so chlorinated that we have a filter on the kitchen water
tap and take bottled water to the bedrooms.
The tap water here is drinkable most of the time.
Occasionally it is over chlorinated - very noticeable after
a sip of tea which tastes metallic. It also goes brown
sometimes for a day or two for reasons unknown - possibly
someone working on the mains. We keep some bottles of
spring water for such occasions.
Our milkman brings us bottles of water three times a week, only because the
taste of chlorine is unacceptable to us. I insist that the kettle is
filled only from the filter tap and I know, always, if someone hasn't done
Talking to garden clubs we notice how clorinated the mains water is at
the various village halls, it makes a foul cup of tea! We often get
complimented on the cup of tea here at the garden but they are only your
bog standard PG tips tea bags, the taste is all down to our own water.
There seems to be Typhoo mountain at the moment. Every supermarket has
it on special, but don't be tempted!
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Stuart Noble
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