Thread: 1940's Garden
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:16 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
johannes johannes is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 3
Default 1940's Garden

Martin wrote:

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 18:35:47 +0000, johannes

Martin wrote:

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 18:05:05 +0000, Johannes Andersen

Friesland was part of Denmark at one time.

Not to my knowledge. When was that may I ask?

The 9th Century.

There was a map on a wall in Kronborg Castle, when I visited it in the 1970s
showing Friesland, as part of Denmark.

"Viking raids and Danish rule (800 - 1014 A.D.)

In 807 A.D. a war starts between Charlemagne and the Danish king Godfried.
Godfried raids Friesland with a fleet of 200 ships, mocking the Frankish
defenses. Shortly after Godfried dies (810 A.D.). After Godfrieds death, the
Danish raids concentrate mostly on the British Isles and less upon Friesland.

After the death of the Frankish emperor Lewis the Pious in 840 A.D., the
Carolinian defense of Friesland had collapsed. Since there was no Frisian King
to organize a defensive force, the Danish raids on this Carolinian outpost
intensified. And in the rest of the 9th century the Frisians frequently lived
under Danish rule and had to pay taxes to the Danish feudal-tenants.
The Danes forced the weakened Carolinian Kings to give them Friesland as a
feudal estate.
Feudal tenants in Friesland we

* Harald (840 - 844 A.D.)
* Rorik and Godfried (844 - 857 A.D.)
* Rorik (a Christian) (862 -872 A.D.)
* Godfried (881 - 885 A.D.)

In 885 the last Scandinavian ruler of Friesland, Godfried the Norwegian, is
murdered and the ruling Danes are evicted from Friesland by the Frisians. The
great tidal waves of Heathenistic Viking raids (sometimes accompanied with
occupation) in Friesland, had come to an end. Smaller raids still took place
until 1014 A.D. when the Christian Knut the Great became king of Denmark, Norway
and England."



Well, it was a very short period then, when the Vikings roamed and terrorised
many countries. Perhaps we should claim that England is 'really' Danish...

Nobody said that Friesland *is* Danish.

Odd that I know more about Danish history than you.

That was before my time. History was never a great subject for me.
All that tribal nonsense, see where it gets you. I'm citizen of the
planet. Next time I will just look it wikipedia.