Thread: Mystery Weed
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Old 05-02-2008, 09:49 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_] Charlie Pridham[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,520
Default Mystery Weed

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K writes:
| There is one leaf in the picture, a little way up from the bottom RH
| corner, which could superficially be mistaken for Enchanter's
| Nightshade. The others are wrong, being too dull and too undulating -
| Enchanter's Nightshade leaves are small and lie smoothly.

Hmm. It may well be that what I have is not that - I shall have to let
one weed flower and identify it properly.

| But the killer is the flowers which are unmistakeably
| forget-me-not/comfrey family and are right for comfrey. And totally
| wrong for Enchanter's nightshade (which has small flowers towards the
| top of the shoots).

I misread the picture, and thought that they were extraneous.

| It is perfectly possible for some of the comfreys to have small leaves,
| especially when growing in shade or poor soil.

I should be flabberghasted if the common one grew like that, though.

Nick Maclaren.

I didn't suggest it was the common one, I thought it may have been
Symphitum ibericum Creeping comfrey (certainly not officinale which is
large and blue flowered.) I knew this as S grandiflorum for years but am
told what I have is a garden form of ibiricum, it has cream flowers with
a pink edge in spring and early summer, there are also plain cream
flowered forms around, I think describing the flowers as yellow is
stretching the point!
Charlie Pridham, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of national collections of Clematis viticella cultivars and
Lapageria rosea