Thread: 1940's Garden
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Old 04-02-2008, 10:40 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
johannes johannes is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 6
Default 1940's Garden

Martin wrote:

On Mon, 04 Feb 2008 19:34:26 +0000, johannes

Nick Maclaren wrote:

In article ,
johannes writes:
| Not my cuppa either. But peas and mint are so far apart in taste that
| mint completely spoils the sweet taste of peas.

That is not everybody's opinion. There is a very good Levantine dip
made of peas, strongly flavoured with mint.

| or an uncooked rasher of Dutch bacon butty?
| Another shocking experience is that the British can't seem to keep the
| two D-nationalities apart i their head. Peter Schmiechel was once referred
| to as "The Flying Dutchman" by a cheeky referee in a BBC TV dancing
| competition. I have informed someone that I am Danish, after a while that
| very same person will refer to me as Dutch, not only as a guessing presumption,
| but as a 100% fact! Good grief. The two countries are so far apart.

Really? Compared with Guyana and Georgia? :-)

When looked at globally, Denmark and Holland are two of the most
similar countries.

Oh noooo thye are not! For a start, they speak different languages which
are mutually incomprehensible from one another.

Yeah right.

The only thing in common
is that their nationalities start with a "D". Well, they both produce
tons of cheese.

and bacon.

The Danes that I have worked with in Holland could guess Dutch to a certain
extent and learnt it quickly.

The only reason for this is that the Danes learn foreign languages in school
by necessity of being a small country; English, German, French at least.
Dutch is as far away from Danish as German. The Danish language belongs to
the Scandinavian family of languages.