"Zhang Dawei" wrote in message
On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 13:57:24 +0000, in
, alan holmes wrote:
Rabbits, for rabbit stew, and chickens both for eggs and the pot, not
much room for anything else in a west london garden, although I did
forget the mint!
I could send you my mother's recipe for Nettle Beer which she and her
mother used to make in early summer during WWII. I've sampled it often
myself (making it on more than one occasion), and it really is a
refreshing drink.
Zhang Dawei: Stoke-on-Trent, UK. Use the Reply-To field. The
email address given there is guaranteed to work for two weeks
from the date of this message.
slightly off subject, but my grandfather & mother used to brew their own
(fruit & vege) wine in the 1970s. They are both poms. Pa used to make some
vile stuff from accounts. Every big family event at Ma & Pas, he'd bring out
the home brew wine & force it on people. Comments I can remeber as a lad
ranged along the lines of "Pa, this is crap" or "Pa, this is disgusting".
His stock reply seemed to be "the bottle we had last week was very nice". Pa
has been gone for a few years now but me & dad still have a chuckle over the