Thread: Float charger
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Old 03-02-2008, 09:12 PM posted to
Larry Caldwell Larry Caldwell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 16
Default Float charger

In article ,
(Herb and Eneva) says...

Today I was playing in the garage and decided to start the riding
mower. Well the battery is dead. My neighbor says that he keeps a float
charger on his all winter.
Can someone tell me what a float charger is and what does it do? Is it
the same as a battery maintaner? Thanks for any info

You can find cheap float chargers at Harbor Freight. They will maintain
a full charge voltage, but won't put out enough amperage to bring a
battery up to charge. More expensive chargers have a float mode that
kicks the charger on when battery voltage drops. Either one will reduce
the chance of a dead battery in the spring. I keep a cheap float
charger on my tractor and travel trailer all winter.

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