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Old 03-02-2008, 08:40 PM posted to
Red[_2_] Red[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 127
Default Best preemergent for my lawn?

On Feb 1, 6:01*pm, John wrote:
I'm still learning so if you can offer any advice, I'd appreciate it.

I have a lawn care chemical company that takes care of my sodded
areas, but he said it would be too expensive for me to use his service
for the rest of my sparcely grassed yard. *He just sprays fertilizer
or pre-emergent or what ever is needed every 4 - 6 weeks. *Anyone got
a recommendation for what I can buy for the other 1/2 acre I'd like to
limit weed growth this year.

Also, is there a program I might follow throughout the year.

I live in Atlanta, GA.


There's an old addage that goes something like this: Any spot of dirt
will grow something - it will either be something you want or
something you don't want.

The moral being quit fighting what you don't want and plant what you
want. Quit spending money on herbicides and plant grass!
