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Old 05-04-2003, 07:36 AM
Trish Brown
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Default Suggestions for indoor plant

Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish wrote:

In article , Stephen Oakes wrote:
I'd like an indoor hanging plant to go up high in our bathroom (to replace a
plastic "plant"). It won't get a lot of light, but has to be able to
withstand occasionally cold and humid conditions. Ideally it will stand up
a little, will hang about 1m maximum, and fit in a pot about 25cm diameter.

Any ideas?!

A pretty coleus (choose one in the colour combination of your choice)
will withstand anything and makes a vibrant colour statement (I don't
believe I said that...!) I've found they do very nicely in bathrooms.

If you have a western-facing window, you might find that African Violets
(Saintpaulia sp.) will do well (not too close to the window, though).
They like a bit of humidity, but their light requirements are so
particular that you'd probably need to experiment.

My favourite, though, is Streptocarpus. It's a close relative of the Af.
Violets, but is not so fussy in its habits. It makes a lovely hanging
basket specimen, has pretty spring-green fuzzy leaves and a very pretty
blue/purple flower. An advanced specimen will cascade just enough out of
its basket without being a pain to keep tidy.

Trish {|:-}
Newcastle, NSW, Australia