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Old 31-01-2008, 05:09 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
shazzbat shazzbat is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 780
Default allotment gardening

"Bob Hobden" wrote in message

anybody want to let me know how its going on your patch

Too wet and muddy to do anything other than continue to crop the (snip)
Leeks, and Parsnips.

I took SWMBO up there last week, she sank.

And now, after threatening for the last two years, work has commenced
towards connecting the adjoining houses to mains sewerage. What this means
in practice is that I have to park down the bottom end of the site and walk
up because the track to the top end has been ripped to shreds by their
trucks and a JCB. Oh, and when I'm in the greenhouse, the bucket of said JCB
is about 12" from my head, excavating an enormous hole on the allotment next
to mine. They're going to tunnel their pipe under my G/H and under the rest
of my allotment, and later some other contractors will come and dig two
"connection pits" on my plot to join up to the pipe they're laying now.
Doubtless this will involve more track shredding and destruction. Apart from
all that, everything is just peachy.
