Thread: water well test
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Old 28-01-2008, 11:45 PM posted to
Eggs Zachtly Eggs Zachtly is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default water well test

Chas Hurst said:

"Eggs Zachtly" wrote in message
rb said:

I'm starting work on a community garden for our church.

The first thing is I need to check out an old but maybe useable well. We
have good, 2" outflo at the 2hp pump pipe.

Is that all I can do to test it?

The reason I'm asking is we're going to need to run the water about 400'
across yards and driveways. If it's worth doing that, then we can

If not, we won't be able to handle the project for lack of water.

We could drive a well close to the project, but then we'd have to run 300
yards of electrical to the site, which might also be a "deal breaker".

It requires little power to move water horizontally. I think you will have
no trouble.

That's true. However, I haven't seen too many 400' stretches of ground,
that ran across driveways, yards, et al, that was perfectly horizontal. =)

Oh, I think the water will get there, eventually. I just don't think it'll
have the pressure necessary to do the job, without some assistance.

Alternatively, perhaps some sort of holding tank(s) (from which the actual
watering gets done) at the end of the run, which gets replenished from the
hose feed? It /may/ be able to keep up, then.



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