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Old 28-01-2008, 12:48 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 455
Default RFD: uk.rec.gardening.allotments

On 28 Jan, 08:51, David in Normandy wrote:
That is certainly a valid point. In conversations I've had
with others, most are oblivious the the existence of Usenet
full stop, not specifically URG. To most people the
internet simply means web pages viewed through internet
explorer or firefox. Usenet - what's that - never heard of

Isn't it! I also think that it depends of your situation. Retired
people or having a business/hobby involving daily computer work would
account for most of us here, and a few visitors with a specific query
popping in. There's lurkers also, reading but not participating.

Last night I did a session on our Allotment newsletter, we have
decided it would be a waste of time to do a website since most people
didn't have access to computer or used one, and the gardener I work
with on this told me to bring the text size to 12 as most people in
the allotments won't be able to read below this ... ;o)

When you think there are many thousands of gardeners and
allotment holders the percentage that actually discover URG
is incredibly small.

When I mention URG to people they are surprised that they haven't
heard of it (my enthusiasm is perhaps showing). Many talk about
Kitchen Garden something - which I don't know what it is, nor have I
heard of it. A question from a naive computer user:- why are all our
posts shown on Garden Banter?! I don't understand this at all. Why the
upset of it from many here and why the 'allotment' group proposal
couldn't work similarly like urg/garden banter?! (And I did say escuse
my poor computer knowledge ...!).