On 27 Jan, 22:13, "shazzbat"
URG is not the busiest NG right now, because it's seasonal. I haven't
checked out statistics, but I think they would show an increase over the
last week or two. And the pace always picks up as the growing season
commences and the newbies start wondering which end of the spade to use.
Football NGs are very busy right now, but F1 NGs are not, all for the same
True off course. Perhaps the plot holders are suffering from this and
perhaps, like I did, they thought setting up a group would prolong the
season somehow
Having said that, I supported the setting up of the allotments group a
couple of years ago, and I said then that "if the noes have it, I shan't
whine". They did, and I haven't. With the benefit of the intervening time,
this time round I shall be one of the noes.
Interesting that. I didn't know it had been tried before. But if we've
had that group, I'm sure we would have shared our wassailing
moments ;o)