RFD: uk.rec.gardening.allotments
On 27 Jan, 21:27, (Peter Robinson) wrote:
Such is Ueenet. *People have to make their own minds up about what
advice is worth listening to; you don't have to read a group very long
to get a pretty good idea.
I don't recognise the thread you're talking about, but IMHO the level of
advice available in here is pretty good.
Oh I don't deny that. Never did and never will. Perhaps I put it
wrongly. As an allotmenteer myself and for many years, I recognise
perhaps a handful of people here from allotments. Yes, they are
different. Allotments are within cities, they are urban and if you
look at allotments website and newsletter you'll understand what I
mean. I just wished they were more people attracted to this forum from
city farms and urban community gardens etc. It doesn't seem to
interest many people here and I just don't know why. Perhaps you know?
Where will all these posters come from? *If they're in urg already, how
come they apparently aren't giving out better advice right now? *If
they're allotmenteers and likely to use Usenet, how come they're not
posting in urg already?
I don't know!