RFD: uk.rec.gardening.allotments
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27-01-2008, 11:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
On 27/1/08 19:12, in article
"David in Normandy" wrote:
Sacha says...
I can't really see the point in an allotment group. People who post here
that grow vegetables or flowers for cutting, don't always use allotments to
do so! Allotmenteers would lose their experience and tips and vice versa,
it seems to me. An allotment is just another garden, after all.
Another issue would be "grey areas". For example fruit
trees, gardening tools, propagators, seeds and seedlings,
pests and diseases. Should they post to URG or to the
allotment group? They could always cross-post I suppose,
but those of us who have a news reader set to block cross-
posts would not see such posts at all then!
My view is what's the need for it? Right now, we have a number of people
here who grow veg. on allotments and in their gardens. They pass on or
discuss precisely the subjects you cite above. Many of the 'rules' applied
to growing veg and fruit trees apply to other plants, too. I can't help
feeling that a pooling of resources here is of more benefit to all in the
long run.
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our
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