RFD: uk.rec.gardening.allotments
I could also point out examples where I've been frustrated to see
answers given to a query regarding growing a veg, on this occasion a
'tip' on an allotment because seemingly nobody had a clear answer -
out of 8 posts 2 had valued comments, and those were from
allotmenteers whilst others simply said that they had no experience
but 'they had heard somewhere' ... and one post might have been
misleading because the poster tentatively tried to give an answer
without any knowledge.
Such is Ueenet. People have to make their own minds up about what
advice is worth listening to; you don't have to read a group very long
to get a pretty good idea.
I don't recognise the thread you're talking about, but IMHO the level of
advice available in here is pretty good.
A group for allotmenteers would be an absolut gem as it will avoid
confusion, will be straight from experience gardeners with a single
aim, growing food on allotments.
Where will all these posters come from? If they're in urg already, how
come they apparently aren't giving out better advice right now? If
they're allotmenteers and likely to use Usenet, how come they're not
posting in urg already?