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Old 27-01-2008, 04:02 AM posted to rec.gardens
Cori Cori is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 5
Default English Ivy, training to grow on Smooth Vinyl Fence

Yes, Billy, you have described the fence in question with uncanny
clarity and near-perfect exactitude. And, yes, your idea is probably
best. As long as I could rig up something subtle yet insidiously
ingenious to hook over the edge or run along near the top of the fence
without permanent attachment (forming a mark) my subtle yet
insidiously ingenious plan may work. I hear from an "expert" that ivy
probably won't root on a surface as smooth as vinyl, yet the internet
is rife with stories of ivy wreaking havoc on vinyl siding, so I don't
see why not. Once the strings give it something with which to start,
it will doubtless run riot and have no trouble forming a covering.
(And, if I lived near "like-minded" people, that damn nuisance of a
fence wouldn't be there.)


On Jan 26, 12:36*pm, "kzin" wrote:
On 26-Jan-2008, Billy wrote:

OK. I hadn't quite grasped the concept that your fence was composed of
solid, rectilinear, plastic panels which you don't want to make look


this solid, rectilinear, plastic
panel barrier was much easier to come to terms with.


*solid, rectilinear, plastic panel fence.

what are ya tryin to say Billy?