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Old 26-01-2008, 07:14 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
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Default Another plant ID please

On 26/1/08 17:37, in article
, "Mike Hibbert"

Sacha wrote:
On 24/1/08 19:23, in article ,
"Mike Hibbert" wrote:

Hi folks,

We caught the scent of this and found it on our way into the hospital
today, and would love to buy one as a memory. We have no idea what it
is, but it smells so familiar.

Any ideas? It has very dark berrys.

Sarcocca and probably S. confusa as it's the most usually grown. I hope
this is for a happy memory, Mike but if it is or it isn't, it will
undoubtedly strike a chord always. It's very strongly scented and one sprig
of it will fill a room with scent. It's known also as Christmas Box and
it's a winter flowering plant that is to be highly recommended, IMO.

~Thanks All, sadly it's not a heppy memory, but we will plant one and
remember the good times.

Thanks to all that helped.

I hope it brings comfort and as you say, a memory of the good times. I'm
very sorry to read this, Mike.
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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