When to remove mulch (from bulbs)?
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26-01-2008, 05:20 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
When to remove mulch (from bulbs)?
On 26/1/08 16:05, in article
" wrote:
On Jan 26, 3:46*pm, Sacha wrote:
Mulching helps to suppress weeds but it doesn't stop them completely.
Often, they're easier to pull out when they've come through mulch. *Bulbs
growth is strong and will force itself through tarmac and tiny cracks in
paving stones etc. *I'm just wondering why you were told to mulch bulbs. *Do
you live in a very cold place, though I'm still not sure why one would mulch
bulbs? *I don't think I've ever heard of the practice, though it doesn't
mean it's not a good idea if there's a reason behind it!
Yes it's because of the cold. On the packs it says "gegen Frost
abdecken" which means "mulch against frost".
I live in Zurich (eastern part of Switzerland) so if I remember
correctly that's 2 climate zones colder than most of the UK. Also I
got the bulbs from Aldi so I suppose the instructions must be mainly
for Germany. I think some parts of Germany get even colder than
All is now revealed - I've never gardened further north - or colder - than
But like you say I am not sure if it is really useful. I got some
Crocuses in another shop and there is no mention of mulching on the
pack. But better be safe than sorry ;-)
Indeed and I'm sure they'll pop their heads through in due course. Here,
it's very mild for January - today was 9C - and the daffs which grow on top
of the Devon hedges are already up and in bud. Others in more sheltered
spots are flowering and snowdrops are coming out like a very welcome sort of
I imagine you get the pleasure of visiting the ski areas once the snow has
melted and seeing the fantastic wild flowers that emerge then.
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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