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Old 26-01-2008, 04:58 AM posted to rec.gardens
Cori Cori is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 5
Default English Ivy, training to grow on Smooth Vinyl Fence

Training English ivy should be possible, even on a smooth vinyl fence,
since it clings to nearly any surface. To tell the truth, I don't
want the trouble of placing a trellis or anything else next to the
fence--it would be one more thing to contend with, the ivy will end up
all over the fence anyway, and my main object is to cover the fence,
which looks starkly plastic in the winter. My question is, how can I
best attach the ivy to the fence until such time as it begins to
attach itself? Can anyone recommend a type of tape designed for this
and a place in the United States from which to buy it? All I can find
Googling "gardening tape" and "plant tape" seem to be places in Asia,
and Home Depot and Gardeners' Supply seem never to have heard of such
a product. They sell Velcro plant tape, but I don't see how I'd
attach that to the fence. I need something adhesive which is
removable, biodegradable, or both. I'd rather there be no damage to
the fence except the necessary damage caused by the ivy roots. Thanks
for any assistance.
