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Old 22-01-2008, 11:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Robert Warner Robert Warner is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 1
Default OT Remberance Monday Bank Holiday petition

Thank you for posting my petition on this site.

Yes, I am the Robert Warner who started the petition because I believe that
whilst Remembrance Sunday is quite rightly a day of commemoration,
Remembrance Monday should be a day of celebration, a celebration of
Britishness, a roast beef and Yorkshire pud with family and friends sort of

I know some people will turn their noses up at this, but I do know that all
servicemen and women enjoyed a day's leave!

What people do with it is up to them - Christmas shopping, an afternoon in
the pub, a football match - I don't care. The fact the day is linked to the
ultimate sacrifice people made is enough for it to be a day for Britain.

Yes, the world The Fallen and others fought for has changed, and most people
over the age of 30 will say it has changed for the worse, but the world has
always been changing so there's nothing new in that.

Sign up if you want to - as I type over 170,000 people have done so to my
utter astonishment - or ignore it if you don't.

Either way, it is because we do still live in a relatively free country that
we can have these petitions!
