Ideas please - north facing wall
wrote in message
On 21 Jan, 16:46, Sacha wrote:
On 21/1/08 16:11, in article
The Vranja Quince, (Cydonia oblonga as opposed to the pyrus cydonia)
is the most popular in the UK.
Cydonia oblonga is not Japanese quince which is what Pat is looking for.
That is Chaenomeles.
Oh, sorry - but why go for a chaenomeles when you want fruits, food
instead of flowers as Pat said!!? That's perhaps why I go confused.
And I beg to differ about the quince - I know many people growing
them. Maybe people today, commercially that is, don't want it or more
like they've never heard of it. Such an amazing food. If only I had
the room ...
Our postings are crossing, but if I have got it all right, the Chaenomeles
will produce very good edible fruit on a much smaller plant.
It was actually the first "quince" I tasted. Now I'm looking forward to
comparing the flavour to see the difference.
Regards Pat