evergreen hedging suggestions please
Dear All,
We live in a flat with a communal garden area.
We would like to plant something that will screen a 40m x 5ft
glavanised steel fence and give us more privacy.
As our experience is limited I hoped you might help by providing some
hedging or plant suggestions.
Our requirements are that:
-It will need to require minimum maintenance, so ideally not grow
outwards too much and not grow much above 2m in height.(So as not to
increase our maintenance charge)
-It's evergreen.
-It's dense.
-Hopefully fast growing.
Our local garden centre recommended bare rooted Laurel planted at 1m
intervals. He said that once it reaches 2m, it should be cut to that
height and will not tend to go above this. How much would it be likely
to bush outwards?
Thanks for your help!