On Jan 20, 7:32*pm, Aries wrote:
I don't have a very large plot here but last year - my first year here -
I grew runner beans, French climing beans, spinach, beetroot, spring
onions, courgettes, tomatoes, aubergine, cucumber, melons, several
varieties of peppers and chillies, mixed lettuce leaves, brocolli,
sprouts, potatoes - erm soft fruit, and we've planted several varieties
of apple, and one pear tree. *
I recall you like cooking, not like me then G
I also grow herbs - mint, rosemary, sage, chives, thyme, oregano, and
parsley. Not bad going for 11 months is it
Now that's something I will grow, I love oregano.
This year I won't plant so much as I've used part of the veggie garden
for a hen run. *But there are only two of us so just we don't need so
much really, but I do love growing things.
Aah someone on this group knows that I wanted an Eglu and has put me
in touch with her cousin, hence when I go to see Sacha, I will be
picking up an Eglu.
I could spend a small fortune at garden centres and often do lol
You will enjoy meeting Ray then, he knows his plants and he has quite
a few plants that are his own "invention". I'm sure that's not the
term I should use but I don't know the real one :-)
I'm sure I will learn a lot here and hopefully be able to contribute a
little too
Thanks Judith
You're welcome, it's a good group and I have made real life friends