Thread: Ping Sacha
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Old 20-01-2008, 10:35 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike' 'Mike' is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,407
Default Ping Sacha

"Fuschia" wrote in message
On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 19:29:09 -0000, "'Mike'"

"Sacha" wrote in message
On 20/1/08 18:18, in article
"judith.lea" wrote:

On Jan 20, 6:11 pm, "'Mike'" wrote:
"judith.lea" wrote in message

On Jan 20, 5:29 pm, "'Mike'" wrote:

"Sacha" wrote in message

. uk...

On 20/1/08 16:39, in article
"judith.lea" wrote:

Sacha, I'm not seeing all of your posts is it me or you? Can I ask
was it Cormaic who did your site, it's great, Ray looks in good
health. Tell him I have a pen knife to go with the wedding present
gave him, I'll give it to you in the Spring, he can use it to take
cuttings lol.


I've seen all my posts, so it must be you. ;-)) Actually, I don't
The last couple of days have been rather busy here so I've been a
quieter and I think the group, as a whole, has been.
A penknife to go with the wedding present?!! I can hardly think of a
appropriate article than a pen knife!!
The new site was done by my son and we're just waiting for someone
isn't too well atm) to do some of the final bits and pieces in
with my son. They need to be able to 'talk' to each other, so we're
awaiting the return of good health to get the mail order up and
Cormaic really doesn't have time for anything but his own business
and his family. We and Mrs Taz came down for a few days some while
both were well but he only managed that because he was giving a talk
here, IIRC.

Emails not working either?

Kind regards

Mike The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association.
'THE' Association to find your ex-Greenie mess
all ex-Service Reunions. More being added regularly- Hide quoted
text -

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It's on topic, isn't it, Cormaic is a gardener extraordinaire, see his
web pages and he is an expert of gardening matters.


Well you would say that wouldn't you ;-) ?

Kindest possible regards

Mike The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association.
'THE' Association to find your ex-Greenie mess
ex-Service Reunions. More being added regularly- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

I'm in awe of Cormaic and Mrs. Taz, despite his very real physical
problems, this is a man who has a wonderful garden and a wonderful


Judith, ignore him. Please. He is *desperate for someone to set up a
dialogue with him, even if it's in indignation at his manifest
This particular tantrum is because he isn't getting attention and most
people are ignoring his posts. He's made the same remarks on uk.f+d
he is held in just the same contempt for his pompous prattery.


Why continue the thread then?

If you had bothered to read the thread before rushing to criticise,
you would have realised that Judith posted on the newsgroup because
she was having trouble reading newgroup posts and wanted some
reassurance that it was working. Sending by email would not have been
a suitable test.
What is it about you Mike? Why are you always picking on the women in
the group? I think you are SICK!

.................................................. .................................................. ........
"" If you had bothered to read the thread before rushing to criticise,
you would have realised that Judith posted on the newsgroup because
she was having trouble reading newsgroup posts ""

Please note, 'newsgroups'. Could the question not have been asked by email
instead of, once again, using uk.rec.gardening as an 'open anything goes'
forum? You will of course note that it is I this is being criticised whereas
it is in fact an Off Topic discussion to uk.rec.gardening :-))

With regards to 'picking': Pot. Kettle. Black? :-))

Kindest regards


-- The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association.
'THE' Association to find your ex-Greenie mess mates. for all ex-Service Reunions. More being added regularly