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Old 16-01-2008, 04:48 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening,
Pat Gardiner Pat Gardiner is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 34
Default Ideas please - north facing wall

"Granity" wrote in message

Pat Gardiner

Oooooooooh I do like a good conspiracy site :-)

You can never tell how these things affect even gardening.

Believe it or not, according to the animal disease regulations, we were not
allowed to put kitchen waste on a compost heap, because we kept pigs.

Pigs are not allowed kitchen scraps in case meat is included.

We had to have another separate kitchen (we put one in the garage) to
prepare vegetables only and these could go on a compost heap. Waste from the
kitchen had to go into the bin.

We were minding our own business one day in the garden - and all hell broke

We caught one of the most senior government vets faking up a blood test on
our backyard pig in the middle of an epidemic. What happened then was quite
extraordinary. You see these senior government vets on TV - I have had them
in my drawing room threatening my wife.

However, we have thoroughly caught those beggars at Westminster hiding up an
epidemic. The epidemic that was to lead to MRSA spreading around the world.

Alas, conspiracies do exist. I think they get away with it because most
people not unreasonably, think "They wouldn't do that!"

All together, after me..."Oh, yes they would!"

Gardening needs to be very cautious and suspicious.

Now, to avoid disrupting the peaceful pursuit of planning for garden 2008, I
suggest we take this conversation to ukba, where I will tell you just how
evil Britain's government vets are, how I singlehandedly got the EU Fraud
Squad (OLAF) to raid a British government office and why Britain's pigs are
spreading MRSA to people.

Pat Gardiner
