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Old 15-01-2008, 11:35 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
judith.lea judith.lea is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 196
Default a very pleasant morning

On Jan 15, 10:30*pm, Martin wrote:
On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 13:11:43 -0800 (PST), Dave Hill

On 15 Jan, 18:35, "'Mike'" wrote:
"Bob Hobden" wrote in message


"Dave Hill" *wrote ((snip))

It will be nice to get away to Egypt and Jordan just to get away from
the rain, but watch out for the headlines "Pyramids closed due to
first ever flooding"
The weather out there will be colder at night than we are having, but
it should be fry and MUD FREE, 2 weeks without my wellies, that will
feel strange.
Even as I write this there are spots of rain on the window,

When we visited the Pyramids on a cruise last year, we were rather surprised
that the weather and 'feelings' were that of a ""Pleasant English Summer
Day""". There was a slight warm breeze blowing and quite comfortable to
stroll around.

Beware the "Tat" touts who will try to pressurise you into buying their
rubbish. Don't make eye contact and be firm with the "NO".

Have a super time. A place you must visit. Be interested if the same
impression of the Pyramids strikes you as it did me. ??????

Mike The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association.
'THE' Association to find your ex-Greenie mess mates.www.iowtours.comforall ex-Service Reunions. More being added regularly

This will be my second visit to Cairo, last time was in 1966 and it
was Ramadan so I never saw the museums, but did see the pyrimids and
sphinx when they were still several miles out of Cairo, and were not
over comercilised.
The days are quite warm but the nights can be very cold, I know I
almost froze when I went to the Son et luminer at the sphinx, it was
worse as I was on my way back from 3 weeks in East africa, but forcast
now is down to around 2 - 4c at night, Jordan is down to freezing, and
to make us feel realy at home there is Rain forcast for Amman for
I do wonder what the reaction of airport security would be to my going
through in Wellies.

I knew somebody who walked through Heathrow in salt caked yellow oilskins and
wellies, They didn't bat an eyelid they've seen it all before.

Martin- Hide quoted text -

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Can you hear the wind? The electricity went off for a very short time
and now the t.v. is making squaky noises, I expect the satellite is
being bashed around. I'm off to bed, I like laying in bed, warm and
snug listening to the wailing of the wind and the rain lashing on the
