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Old 15-01-2008, 11:57 PM posted to
Clark... Clark... is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 64
Default I ran over a rock with my lawnmower. Help!

Srgnt Billko wrote:
"Clark..." wrote in message
Srgnt Billko wrote:
"Jim" wrote in message
Duff wrote:

Jim wrote:
Srgnt Billko wrote:
jacko wrote:
pepipootles wrote:

Does anyone know why my lawnmower won't start after I ran
over a rock
with it?? I changed the fuse but that didn't help.
Please help!!

Most likely the flywheel key is sheared and the motor is off
it's timing.

He said he replaced the "fuse". That should have corrected the

no no no.. to correct the timing you need to click
on control panel and then double click on date/time...


Yes, but you must reboot after that.

that's always a good time to click on power/management and take
a look at the spark plug. btw - clicking on power/management
before changing any fuses reduces the chances of a reverse power
surge being released from the matter inverter back into the fusion
coupler where an oscillation has the potential to develop between
the fusion coupler and the ground emf emitter. double the risk if
we're talking dual reaction platform.

btw - have any of you had your neighbor residing on your left side
complain of their PC running slower while you're mowing your lawn?

We should write a self-help book.

Did th OP check the flux capacitor? those things always burn out
when your mowing your rocks

Is it the same when you mow 10" sticks ? LOL (Happy New Year)

Nope, 10" sticks bork the warp field generator and usually it can't be
easily re-calibrated so your just better off ordering a new one.

Don't you have Google in your part of the world?