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Old 15-01-2008, 12:20 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
cupra cupra is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 49
Default OT Remembrance Monday Bank Holiday petition

'Mike' wrote:
The section on national grief and rememberance in the 20's/30's
humbled me.

Possibly because of this?

(Part of one of my lectures)

.July 1st 1916
.First day of the Battle of the Somme.
.57,470 casualties.
.19,240 dead.

.'Just pour more men in'
.885,138 Military Deaths in WW1(All Services)

Kind regard


I had a pretty good grasp of the battlefield casualties - what was humbling
was the concept of national remembrance and the idea of the unknown

Tens of thousands of Mothers queuing for hours on end to pass the Tomb of
the Unknown Soldier as it 'could be' their son, families visiting the
battlefields for many years attempting to discover where their
Son/Brother/Father may have been buried, the temporary plaster Cenotaph
being replaced by stone as it became an unexpected focus of remembrance for
years past it's due. And so on....

As I say, a book I'd wholeheartedly recommend.