wrote in message
So yes, I might be wrong - but in all respect there
was no use of chemicals before this.
and mo
1500 BCEgyptians produce insecticdes against lice, fleas and wasps.
1000 BCThe Greek poet Homer reffered to a pest-averting sulphur.
200 BCThe Roman writer Cato advises vineyard farmers to burn bitumen to
remove insects.
early 1700'sJohn Parkinson, author of 'Paradisus, The Ordering Of The
Orchard' recommended a concoction of vinegar, cow dung and urine to be put
on trees with canker.
1711In England, the foul smelling herb rue was boiled and sprayed on trees
to remove canthraid flies.
1763In Marseilles, a mixture of water, slaked lime and bad tobacco was a
remedy for plant lice.
1800'sMany developements occur.
1821London Horticultural Society advised that sulphur is the remedy for
mildew on peaches.
1867The beginning of modeern pesticide use. Colorado beetle invade US
potatoe crops and arsenic is applied.
1885Professor Millardet, a French professor, discovers a copper mixture to
destroy mildew.
late 1800'sFrench vineyard growers have the idea of selective weed killers.
1892The first synthetic pesticide, potassium dinitro-2-cresylate, marketed
in Germany.
1900'sInsecticides, fungicides and herbicides have all been discovered.
early 1900'sInorganic substances introduced.
1932Products to control house hold pests marketed.
1939The Second World War causes three discoveries: 1. the insecticide DDT.
2. the organophosphrous insecticides. 3. the selective phenoxyacetic
1945After the Second World War, farming intensity intensified production.
1950'sGeigy introduces the carbamates.
to say there was no chemical *use* as you do is fatuous gibberish
Post WW2 there was an enormous growth in the manufacture of pesticides and
fertilizers, but to say there was no chemical use is delusional.